eBay Trading APIVersion 1379


Type defining the ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled field that is returned under the FeatureDefinitions container of the GetCategoryFeatures response (as long as 'ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled' or 'ClassifiedAdAutoDeclineEnabled' is included as a FeatureID value in the call request or no FeatureID values are passed into the call request). This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay API-enabled sites support the Classified Ad Auto Accept feature.

To verify if a specific eBay site supports the Classified Ad Auto Accept feature (for most categories), look for a 'true' value in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled field.

To verify if a specific category on a specific eBay site supports the Classified Ad Auto Accept feature, pass in a CategoryID value in the request, and then look for a 'true' value in the ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled field of the corresponding Category node (match up the CategoryID values if more than one Category IDs were passed in the request).

Type that uses ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabledDefinitionType:

Call that uses ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabledDefinitionType:


This type has no fields.