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Published: April 27 2010, 6:06:00 AMUpdated: September 07 2022, 1:18:49 PM

Retrieving Client Alerts session information is not working properly. The "Login" call often fails with "Invalid ClientAlerts Auth Token" error, even though the client alerts token is valid.


Once you receive <ClientAlertsAuthToken> data in the response, it needs to be URL-encoded to escape special characters like "+", "=", space etc., before you can use it as a parameter in the "Login" request.

Detailed Description 

After you URL-encode the Client Alerts Auth Token, it can be safely sent over as a URL param in the "Login" call. It is always a good practice to URL-encode the parameters that are sent as URL params.

Here is an example:

Step 1:  Retrieve Client Alerts Auth token


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetClientAlertsAuthTokenRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Step 2: URL-encode the <ClientAlertsAuthToken> retrieved in Step 1

Retrieved Token:

Token after encoding:

Note that after URL encoding, the "/"  and the "=" symbols in the token are encoded as %2F and %3D respectively

Step 3: Establish a Client Alerts session by passing in the Client Alerts token and retrieving session information




Additional Resources

Client Alerts API Guide: 


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