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Published: March 29 2006, 3:03:00 PMUpdated: July 22 2022, 11:27:29 AM

if the item has been ended without being sold, how would I find out its status.

To find out whether an item is ended without being sold, you can put the below condition in place when looping through a returned item array from GetSellerList api call:
if ( (ItemType.SellingStatusType.ListingStatusCodeType.Completed) &&( ItemType.SellingStatusType.quantitySold==0)).

The sample below shows of using GetSellerListCall wrapper to retrieve the items ended successfully and also the ones not being sold.

// Setting the time range
String from = "2022-02-01 00:00:00";
String to = "2022-02-03 23:00:00";
java.util.Date dtfrom = eBayUtil.fromAPITimeString(from);
java.util.Date dtto = eBayUtil.fromAPITimeString(to);
java.util.Calendar calFrom = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
java.util.Calendar calTo = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
TimeFilter tf = new TimeFilter(calFrom, calTo);

PaginationType pt = new PaginationType();
pt.setEntriesPerPage(new Integer("100"));
pt.setPageNumber(new Integer("1"));

// create GetSellerListCall object
GetSellerListCall api = new GetSellerListCall(apiContext);
DetailLevelCodeType[] detailLevels = new DetailLevelCodeType[] {

api.setUserID(new UserIDType(SELLERID));

//execute the api call
ItemType[] retItems = api.getSellerList();

for (ItemType item : retItems) {
ItemType item = retItems;
ItemIDType itemId = item.getItemID();
SellingStatusType sst = item.getSellingStatus();
ListingStatusCodeType lsct = sst.getListingStatus();
int quantitySold = sst.getQuantitySold().intValue();

if (lsct.equals(ListingStatusCodeType.Completed)) {
if ( quantitySold ==0) {
System.out.println(" The Item " + itemId.toString() + " is UNSOLD " );
}else {
System.out.println(" The Item " + itemId.toString() + " is SOLD. The qty is : " +quantitySold );

NOTE. ListingStatusCodeType was not available when the JAVA SDK1.2 was released (WSDL 419) so one needs to rebuild the JAVA SDK1.2 with the latest WSDL for the class to be included..


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