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This API provides stores-related resources for third-party developers. These resources let you retrieve basic store information such as store name, description, store url, return store category hierarchy, add/rename/move/delete a single user's eBay store category, and retrieve the processing status of these tasks.

The stores resource methods require an access token created with the authorization code grant flow, using one or more scopes from the following list (please check your Application Keys page for a list of OAuth scopes available to your application)


Method NameHTTP MethodPathSummarySamples
addStoreCategoryPOST/store/categoriesAdds a single new category to a user's eBay store.View addStoreCategory - /store/categories
deleteStoreCategoryDELETE/store/categories/{category_id}Deletes one category of a user's eBay store.View deleteStoreCategory - /store/categories/{category_id}
getStoreGET/storeRetrieves information such as store name, store URL, and description for an eBay store.View getStore - /store
getStoreCategoriesGET/store/categoriesRetrieves eBay Store Category hierarchy.View getStoreCategories - /store/categories
getStoreTaskGET/store/tasks/{task_id}Retrieves the current status of a recent store operation.View getStoreTask - /store/tasks/{task_id}
getStoreTasksGET/store/tasksRetrieves all store tasks.View getStoreTasks - /store/tasks
moveStoreCategoryPOST/store/categories/move_categoryMove single category of a user's eBay store.View moveStoreCategory - /store/categories/move_category
renameStoreCategoryPUT/store/categories/{category_id}Renames a single category of a user's eBay store.View renameStoreCategory - /store/categories/{category_id}

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