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This topic provides definitions for the fields in a Product feed. The topic Best Practices in this guide provides additional details and guidelines.

Important! When using product combined feeds, always include the product feed that contains the product information. Do not submit product combined feeds with distribution and/or availability information only. This may erase all previously submitted product information. See Using product combined feeds for more information. combined feed

Sample feed files:

Note: The fields in the table below are ordered according to their order in the CSV file. The parent is provided for XML fields in order to make it easier to locate that field in the XML file.

Field name




XML: product.SKU

Required. The product's Stock Keeping Unit value, defined by the seller to identify the product.

Type: string

Max length: 50

This value must be unique across the seller's inventory on each eBay marketplace.

Localized For

XML: localizedFor attribute in product.productInformation field (single SKU)

XML: localizedFor attribute in productVariationGroup.groupInformationfield (multiple SKU)

Optional. Specifies the language used for data in the listing. Values include en_US, en_GB, es_ES, fr_FR, and others. See Locale enumerated values for full list.

Type: string

The default language of the eBay marketplace is used if this field is not supplied in the input file.

Variation Group ID


Conditionally Required for Multiple SKU. The unique identifier for a product group that is used for a multiple-variation listing.

Type: string

Max length: 50

In XML file, each product variation that belongs to this product group is linked to the group through the variantOf attribute of the product.SKU element.

Variation Specific Name n
n = 1-5


Conditionally Required for Multiple SKU. List of aspects on which the products in the product group differ. Up to five can be used. Examples include Color and Size.

Type: string

In CSV file, the defined Variation Specific Names will repeat for each SKU in the product group, and only the Variation Specific Values will differ.

Variation Specific Value n

n = 1-5


Conditionally Required for Multiple SKU. Each product variation's unique value for the corresponding Variation Specific Name.

Type: string

In XML file, the varying aspects (defined in fields) is identified through the name attribute of the productInformation.attribute element.

For example:

<attribute name="Color">Pink</attribute>
<attribute name="Size (Women's)">L</attribute>
<attribute name="Size Type">Petites</attribute>

CSV: Title

XML: productInformation.title (single SKU)

XML: sharedProductInformation.title (multiple SKU)

Required. The title of the listing.

Type: string

Max length: 80

For XML input files, the sharedProductInformation.title value will overwrite any productInformation.title values defined for products within the product group.

For product groups in CSV input files, the Title value only needs to be specified for the first SKU in the group, and this field can be left blank for the other SKUs in the group.

CSV: Subtitle

XML: productInformation.subtitle (single SKU)

XML: sharedProductInformation.subtitle (multiple SKU)

Optional Allows seller to provide additional product information and/or keywords for the listing. This seller-defined text will appear just below the title in the listing. Typically, there is a small listing fee associated with adding a subtitle to a listing.

Type: string

Max length: 55


For XML input files, the sharedProductInformation.subtitle value will overwrite any productInformation.subtitle values defined for products within the product group.

For product groups in CSV input files, the Subtitle value only needs to be specified for the first SKU in the group, and this field can be left blank for the other SKUs in the group.

Product Description


Required. Seller-defined text (or derived from eBay catalog product) that accurately and completely describes the product. HTML markup and CSS can be used in listing descriptions for formatting/style purposes.

To customize and optimize the item description summary as it appears on mobile devices, see View Item description summary feature.

Type: string

Max length: 4000 (including HTML/CSS markup)

Important! Starting on September 18, 2023, if DOCTYPE declarations are used within the productDescription field of an XML-based Product feed, that DOCTYPE declaration must be used within a CDATA section or the Product feed may fail.

For XML input files, the description.productDescriptionelement specified under the sharedProductInformationcontainer will overwrite any description.productDescriptionelement specified under the productInformation container specified for an individual product within the product group.

For product groups in CSV input files, the Product Description value only needs to be specified for the first SKU in the group, and this field can be left blank for the other SKUs in the group.

CSV: Additional Info

XML: description.additionalInfo

Optional This field is used add more text/information to the listing description. The seller-provided text provided here will be appended to the seller-provided text in Product Description field.

Type: string

HTML/CSS is allowed in this field.

CSV: Group Picture URL


Conditionally Required for Multiple SKU. The image URL to one or more eBay-hosted or self-hosted pictures related to a multiple-variation listing. The first URL specified in the file becomes the gallery image for the multiple-variation listing. This field is not applicable to single SKU listings.

For self-hosted pictures, the image server must support 'https', and the URL must use 'https'.

See eBay's Picture policy for full details on picture requirements, including supported file formats.

Type: string

In a CSV file, multiple group pictures for a multiple-variation listing can be set by including multiple URLs in the Group Picture URL column, with each URL delimited with a pipe (|) symbol. Only the first product variation in a product group should have Group Picture URLs. In addition to the picture(s) set here for a multiple-variation listing, a seller can also set pictures (up to 12) at the variation level using the regular Picture URL fields for each of the SKUs in the product group.

In an XML file, multiple group pictures for a multiple-variation listing can be set by including multiple sharedProductInformation.pictureURL fields, with each of these fields having a unique URL to an image file. In addition to the picture(s) set with a sharedProductInformation.pictureURL field for a multiple-variation listing, a seller can also set pictures (up to 12) at the variation level using the productInformation.pictureURLfields for each of the SKUs in the product group.


Picture URL n

n = 1-24

XML: productInformation.pictureURL

Conditionally Required for Single SKU; Optional for Multiple SKU.The image URL to an eBay-hosted or self-hosted picture. Every listing must have at least one picture, and most eBay categories support up to 24 pictures free of charge. If a SKU is a part of a multiple-variation listing, the maximum amount of URLs supplied per SKU is 12.

The image specified through Picture URL 1 (or the first occurrence of productInformation.pictureURL field in XML file) becomes what is known as the 'Gallery image', or the image that is shown by default when the View Item page is displayed.

For self-hosted pictures, the image server must support 'https', and the URL must use 'https'.

See eBay's Picture policy for full details on picture requirements, including supported file formats.

Type: string


In a CSV file, if you want to use over 12 columns/provide over 12 picture urls, add more columns in the feed (like Picture URL 13, Picture URL 14, and so on).

In an XML file, multiple pictures for a SKU can be set by including multiple productInformation.pictureURL fields, with each of these fields having a unique URL to an image file.


XML: productInformation.UPC

Optional. This field is used to supply the product's Universal Product Code (UPC) value. If a product has a UPC value, it is recommended that the seller provide this value in the Product feed.

Type: string



XML: productInformation.ISBN

Optional. This field is used to supply the product's International Standard Book Number (ISBN) value. If a product has an ISBN value, it is recommended that the seller provide this value in the Product feed.

Type: string




Optional. This field is used to supply the product's European Article Number (EAN) value. If a product has an EAN value, it is recommended that the seller provide this value in the Product feed.

Type: string



XML: productInformation.MPN

Optional. This field is used to supply the product's Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) value. If a product has an MPN value, it is recommended that the seller provide this value in the Product feed.

This standard product identifier must be paired with a Brand value to ensure uniqueness of the identifier.

Type: string

To ensure that an MPN value is globally unique, MPN must always be paired up with a product Brand value.


CSV: Brand

XML: productInformation.Brand

Conditional. The brand of the product. This field must be supplied if an MPN value is specified, in order to ensure the uniqueness of the MPN identifier.

Type: string

For a Product Variation Group in an XML file, the brand should be specified in a sharedProductInformation.attribute field instead of in the productInformation.Brand field. This is becaus each SKU in the group should have the same brand name.


XML: productInformation.ePID

Optional. This field is used to supply the unique identifier of the eBay catalog product associated with the seller's product.

If a valid ePID value is used in a Product feed, eBay will use the following information in the catalog product when creating a new listing or revising an existing listing;

  • Product title

  • Product description

  • Item specifics

  • Stock photo(s)

Type: string


Attribute Name n
n = 1-45

name attribute of the productInformation.attribute field

Conditional. An attribute is also referred to as an item specific in eBay listings. Most eBay categories require at least a few item specifics, and it is always recommended that sellers also specify preferred and optional item specifics if they are applicable to the product.

A Category Metadata Feed request can be used to get the required, preferred, and optional item specific name and values for one or more leaf categories. If required item specifics are missing for a SKU in a Product feed file, that SKU will not be successfully added as an eBay listing.

A SKU can have up to 45 item specifics. Some item specifics, such as Features, can have multiple values (up to 10).

Type: string

Max length: 40 characters

In XML file, item specific name/values pairs are declared through the same productInformation.attribute field, with the item specific name identified through the name attribute, and item specific value between the tags. For item specific names with multiple values, separate productInformation.attribute fields with the same name attribute value are needed, but will have different item specific values. For example:

<attribute name="Features">Bluetooth</attribute>
<attribute name="Features">Backlit Keyboard</attribute>

Attribute Value n
n = 1-45

productInformation.attribute field

Conditional. The corresponding value(s) for an item specific name. Some item specifics, such as Features, can have multiple values (up to 10).

A Category Metadata Feed request can be used to get the required, preferred, and optional item specific name and values for one or more leaf categories.

Type: string

Max length: 50

In XML file, item specific name/values pairs are declared through the same productInformation.attribute field, with the item specific name identified through the name attribute, and item specific value between the tags. For item specific names with multiple values, separate productInformation.attribute fields with the same name attribute value are needed, but will have different item specific values. For example:

<attribute name="Features">Bluetooth</attribute>
<attribute name="Features">Backlit Keyboard</attribute>

In CSV files, for item specifics that have multiple values, each value in a Attribute Value column is delimited with a pipe (|) symbol.

CSV: Condition

XML: conditionInfo.condition

Required. This required field specifies the condition of the product. Item condition values can vary per category. Values include NEW, LIKE_NEW, USED_GOOD, and others. See Conditions enumerated values for full list.

Type: string

Select the condition of the product from the available choices.

Important! For trading card listings in Non-Sport Trading Card Singles (183050), CCG Individual Cards (183454), and Sports Trading Card Singles (261328) categories, LIKE_NEW (2750) can be used to specify the card as a Graded card and USED_VERY_GOOD (4000) can be used to specify the card as an Ungraded card. If either of these item conditions are used for the affected categories, the seller is then required to use one or more Condition Descriptor name-value pairs to provide more information on the Graded or Ungraded item condition. See the Condition Descriptor field description for more information.

Beginning October 23, 2023, trading card listings in the affected categories must use either LIKE_NEW (2750) or USED_VERY_GOOD (4000), and no other item conditions will be accepted. These item conditions and the applicable Condition Descriptor name-value pairs will be required for all new listings. If not provided after this date, SKUs in the Product Feed will fail when trying to create new listings.

By January 22, 2024, all existing listings must be modified with either LIKE_NEW (2750) or USED_VERY_GOOD (4000) item condition and applicable Condition Descriptor name-value pairs. If not provided after this date, SKUs in the Product Feed will fail when trying to revise or relist existing listings.

Note: If using Condition Descriptors for trading cards, use LIKE_NEW for Graded cards and USED_VERY_GOOD for Ungraded cards. Also specify applicable Condition Descriptor information. For information on available numeric IDs, see Condition Descriptor IDs for Trading Cards.


Condition Description


Optional. The seller-provided text in this field can more clearly describe the condition of items that are not brand new. This field may be used to call out any flaws, defects, scratches, tears, etc.

Type: string

Max length: 1000 characters

Note: If using the Condition Descriptor field, such as for trading cards, this field is not applicable.

Important! This field cannot be used for items in NEW condition.


Measurement System

XML: measurementSystem attribute of
productInformation.shippingDetails field

Conditional: The unit of measurement used for shipping package dimensions or weight. Package dimensions and weight is often required for most shipping service options, and is always needed when seller is using calculated shipping. The two supported values for this field are as follows:

  • ENGLISH: Also referred to as the Imperial system, this measurement system is almost exclusively used in the US. With this system, inches are used for dimensions, and pounds and ounces are used for weight.

  • METRIC: This measurement system is used by about every country besides the US. With this system, centimeters are used for dimensions, and kilograms and grams are used for weight.

Type: string

If this field is omitted, the Measurement System field defaults to ENGLISH for eBay US and METRIC for all other sites.

Package weight and dimensions are only supported for the following marketplaces: AU, CA, DE, IT, UK, US, and Motors. If this information is provided on other marketplaces, it will be ignored.

CSV: Length

XML: shippingDetails.length

Conditional: The length of the shipping package. If the ENGLISH measurement system is being used, the length is provided in inches. If the METRIC measurement system is being used, the length is provided in centimeters.

Type: decimal

Package weight and dimensions are only supported for the following marketplaces: AU, CA, DE, IT, UK, US, and Motors. If this information is provided on other marketplaces, it will be ignored.

CSV: Width

XML: shippingDetails.width

Conditional: The width of the shipping package. If the ENGLISH measurement system is being used, the width is provided in inches. If the METRIC measurement system is being used, the width is provided in centimeters.

Type: decimal

Package weight and dimensions are only supported for the following marketplaces: AU, CA, DE, IT, UK, US, and Motors. If this information is provided on other marketplaces, it will be ignored.

CSV: Height

XML: shippingDetails.height

Conditional: The height of the shipping package. If the ENGLISH measurement system is being used, the height is provided in inches. If the METRIC measurement system is being used, the height is provided in centimeters.

Type: decimal

Package weight and dimensions are only supported for the following marketplaces: AU, CA, DE, IT, UK, US, and Motors. If this information is provided on other marketplaces, it will be ignored.

CSV: Weight Major

XML: shippingDetails.weightMajor

Conditional: If the ENGLISH measurement system is being used, an integer value representing the number of pounds is input in this field. If the package weighs less than one pound, a value of 0 is used.

If the METRIC measurement system is being used, an integer value representing the number of kilograms is input in this field. If the package weighs less than one kilogram, a value of 0 is used.

Type: decimal

Package weight and dimensions are only supported for the following marketplaces: AU, CA, DE, IT, UK, US, and Motors. If this information is provided on other marketplaces, it will be ignored.

CSV: Weight Minor

XML: shippingDetails.weightMinor

Conditional: If the ENGLISH measurement system is being used, an integer value representing the number of ounces is input in this field. If the package weighs 1 pound, 8 ounces, the Weight Major value will be 1, and the Weight Minor value will be 8.

If the METRIC measurement system is being used, an integer value representing the number of grams is input in this field. If the package weighs 1 kilogram, 500 grams, the Weight Major value will be 1, and the Weight Minor value will be 500.

Type: decimal

Package weight and dimensions are only supported for the following marketplaces: AU, CA, DE, IT, UK, US, and Motors. If this information is provided on other marketplaces, it will be ignored.

CSV: Package Type

XML: shippingDetails.packageType

Conditional: The type of shipping package used to ship the product. Specify the Package Type if calculated shipping is used. Package type values can vary by shipping carrier and shipping service option. Values include LETTER, FURNITURE, and USPS_FLAT_RATE_ENVELOPE and others. See Package type enumerated values for full list.

Type: string


Pictures Vary On


Optional for MSKU listings. For multiple-variation listings, a seller might provide one or more pictures for each variation that demonstrates how that variation is unique. For example, the seller might want to show the different colors that are available for the product, and if this was the case, the seller would include this field and set its value to Color.

Type: string

The aspect supplied in this field must also be defined as a Variation Aspect Name for the product group.


Compatible Product n

n = 1-3000

productInformation.compatibility container

Conditional: A Compatible Product n column (or compatibility container in XML file) is used to specify which vehicles are compatible with the vehicle part or accessory. Up to 3000 compatible vehicles can be specified.

Year, Make, Model, and Trim are the four aspects that most commonly define vehicles, but Body and Engine may also be applicable. Sellers have the option of specifying these aspect values, or they can also identify a motor vehicle using a KType value (UK, DE, and AU only) or an eBay product ID (ePID) for the vehicle (motorcycles on DE and UK only).

Type: string

If vehicle aspects are used to identify a motor vehicle in a CSV file, all name-value pairs are specified in the same Compatible Product n cell, with each pair delimited by a pipe (|) symbol. See below:

Make=Toyota|Model=Camry|Year=2011|Trim=LE Sedan 4-Door

If a KType or an ePID value is used, the Compatible Product n cell will look as follows:

KType=123 or ePID=219723271

In XML files, a compatibility.value field is used for each aspect used to identify each compatible motor vehicle, with a name attribute identifying the aspect (or KTypeor ePID), and the value appearing in between the tags. An example is shown below:

<value name="Year">2009</value>
<value name="Make">Ford</value>
<value name="Model">F-350 Super Duty</value>
<value name="Trim">FX4 Crew Cab Pickup 4-Door</value>
<value name="Engine">6.4L 391Cu. In. V8 DIESEL OHV Turbocharged</value>


Condition Descriptor Name n

n = 1-4


Conditional: A numeric ID is passed in this field. This numeric ID maps to the name of a condition descriptor. Condition descriptor name-value pairs provide more information about an item's condition in a structured way. For information on available numeric IDs, see Condition Descriptor IDs for Trading Cards.

Note: Name n, Value n, and Additional Info n are related to the same Condition Descriptor.

Condition Descriptors are currently only available for the following trading card categories (Category ID):

• Non-Sport Trading Card Singles (183050)
• CCG Individual Cards (261328)
• Sports Trading Card Singles (183454)

You can also retrieve all condition descriptor numeric IDs for a category from the getItemConditionPolicies method of the Metadata API.

In the case of trading cards, this field is used to provide condition descriptors for a card. For graded cards, the condition descriptors for Grader and Grade are required, while the condition descriptor for Certification Number is optional (Condition Descriptor Additional Info or additionalInfo). For ungraded cards, only the Card Condition condition descriptor is required.

Type: string

Important! For trading card listings in Non-Sport Trading Card Singles (183050), CCG Individual Cards (183454), and Sports Trading Card Singles (261328) categories, LIKE_NEW (2750) can be used to specify the card as a Graded card and USED_VERY_GOOD (4000) can be used to specify the card as an Ungraded card. If either of these item conditions are used for the affected categories, the seller is then required to use one or more Condition Descriptor name-value pairs to provide more information on the Graded or Ungraded item condition.

Beginning October 23, 2023, trading card listings in the affected categories must use either LIKE_NEW (2750) or USED_VERY_GOOD (4000) item conditions, and no other item conditions will be accepted. These item conditions and the applicable Condition Descriptor name-value pairs will be required for all new listings. If not provided after this date, SKUs in the Product Feed will fail when trying to create new listings.

By January 22, 2024, all existing listings must be modified with either LIKE_NEW (2750) or USED_VERY_GOOD (4000) item condition and applicable Condition Descriptor name-value pairs. If not provided after this date, SKUs in the Product Feed will fail when trying to revise or relist existing listings.

Condition Descriptor Value n

n = 1-4



Conditional: A numeric ID is passed in this field. The numeric ID maps to the values associated with a condition descriptor name. Condition descriptor name-value pairs provide more information about an item's condition in a structured way. For information on available numeric IDs, see Condition Descriptor IDs for Trading Cards.

Note: The note in the Condition Descriptor Name ( field also applies to this field.

You can also retrieve all condition descriptor numeric IDs for a category from the getItemConditionPolicies method of the Metadata API.

In the case of trading cards, this field houses the information on the Grader and Grade descriptors of graded cards and the Card Condition descriptor for ungraded cards.

Type: string


Condition Descriptor Additional Info n

n = 1-4



Conditional: Open text is passed in this field. This text provides additional information about a condition descriptor.

Note: The note in the Condition Descriptor Name ( field also applies to this field.

In the case of trading cards, this field houses the optional Certification Number condition descriptor for graded cards. For more information, see Condition Descriptor IDs for Trading Cards.

Type: string

Max length: 30 characters



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