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In a CSV response file, a separate row is returned for each specified Channel ID/Category ID pair. In an XML request file, a separate <categoryMetadata> container is returned for each specified Channel ID/Category ID pair.

Note: If no valid leaf category IDs are passed in through an XML input file, a CSV response file with the error message will be returned. If an XML input file has one or more valid leaf category IDs, but also one or more invalid leaf category IDs, Item Specifics will be returned for the valid categories, but not for the invalid categories. For invalid categories, a categoryMetadata container will be returned but only with the categoryID and channelID fields.

Sample feed response files:

Note: The fields in the table below are ordered according to their order in the CSV file. The parent is provided for XML fields in order to make it easier to locate that field in the XML file.

Field name



CSV: Category ID

XML: categoryMetadata.categoryID

The unique identifier of the eBay leaf category within the eBay marketplace.

Occurrence: Always Returned

If multiple Channel ID/Category ID pairs were submitted in the request feed file, these categories will be returned in the same order they were passed in through the request file.

CSV: Channel ID

XML: categoryMetadata.channelID

The unique identifier of the eBay marketplace for which Item Specifics metadata will be retrieved. Values include EBAY_US, EBAY_GB, EBAY_DE, and others. See Marketplace enumerated values for full list.

Occurrence: Always Returned


CSV: Attribute Name

XML: attribute.attributeName

The name of an attribute that is valid for the leaf category. An attribute is often referred to an Item Specific or a product aspect. Example values include Brand, Model, Type, Color, and Features. The number of defined attributes vary by category, and some categories have much more than others.

The typical values for each attribute name are returned in the Attribute Value fields.

Occurrence: Always Returned

In XML responses, an attribute container is returned for every defined attribute for the category, and this container include the attribute name, type, usage, and corresponding values. Required attributes are returned first in the response, followed by preferred attributes, and then optional attributes

CSV: Attribute Type

XML: attribute.attributeType

The type of attribute. Valid values are Product and Instance. Product aspects are more typical. An instance aspect is an aspect whose values is going to vary with the specific instance of the product being sold.

Occurrence: Always Returned


CSV: Attribute Usage

XML: attribute.attributeUsage

Indicates whether the aspect is REQUIRED, PREFERRED, or OPTIONAL. A Product feed will fail if it is missing any required Item Specifics. Preferred (also referred to as Recommended) and optional Item Specifics should also be included if they are applicable to the product.

It is always possible that Preferred Item Specifics will become required at some point, so the seller should also check the Expected Required By Date field to see if a specific Preferred Item Specific is expected to become required soon.

Occurrence: Always Returned

Required attributes are returned first in the response, followed by preferred attributes, and then optional attributes.

Expected Required By Date


The expected date after which a Preferred Item Specific may become required.

Occurrence: Conditionally Returned

This field should generally only be returned for Preferred Item Specifics. As its name implies, any dates returned in this field should not be assumed to be 100 percent accurate.

CSV: Attribute Values

XML: attribute.values

A list of valid values for the corresponding Attribute Name. For example, if the Item Specific was Color , some of the values would be Red, Green, and Blue),

Occurrence: Always Returned

For CSV response files, all values are returned under one Attribute Values column, and each value is delimited with a pipe (|) symbol.

For XML response files, a separate <value> field is returned under the attribute.values container for each value.

For both file types, values are generally returned in alphabetical order.

CSV: Message Type

XML: Not returned in XML response

This field will indicate the type/category of error or warning if any are triggered when the response file is being generated.

Occurrence: Conditionally Returned

It is only returned in CSV files if an error or warning is triggered. Errors or warning informaton is not returned in XML response files.

CSV: Message ID

XML: Not returned in XML response

The unique identifier of the error or warning.

Occurrence: Conditionally Returned

It is only returned in CSV files if an error or warning is triggered. Errors or warning informaton is not returned in XML response files.

CSV: Message

XML: Not returned in XML response

The actual message type of the error or warning. This message should assist sellers in troubleshooting the issue.

Occurrence: Conditionally Returned

It is only returned in CSV files if an error or warning is triggered. Errors or warning informaton is not returned in XML response files.

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